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    Looking for a land!

      francais polski


    To find the ground for Mazuria Ecolodges is not an easy thing.
    We seek a land with these characteristics:
    - from 1 to 20 hectares
    - a close access by an asphalt road
    - a direct access to a lake offering an interesting navigability at least with canoe
    - a shore directed in the south
    - with or without services (electricity, water, sanitation)
    - with existing or possible authorizations of building in short terms
    - if possible undulating and lightly wooded
    - a clean lake without risk of pollution thereafter
    - a land with a ground not polluted and having received a minimum of chimical fertilisers
    - located in a zone delimited by the following villages: Pisz, Orzysz, Gizycko, Wegorzewo, Olecko, Ełk, Grajewo, Pisz
    - for example at the edge of the following lakes: J.Rydzowka, J. Stregiel, J Pozezdrze, J Wilkus, J Harsz, J Goldopiwo, J Kruklin, J Dejguny, J Dobskie, J Wydminskie, J Gawlik, J Tajty, J Dejguny, J Buwelno, J Lazno, J Szostak, J Jedzelewo, J Lasniady, J Lazno, J Dworackie, J Kukowino, J Krasztyn, J Lipinskie, J Lepaki (nonexhaustive list)
    - at a price reflecting the true market and the real value of the land.
    Of course we have a limited budget.
    See our prospections in the portfolio.
    And of course we collect all the serious interesting offers for us (mazuria.ecolodges-a-free.fr, replace -a- by @, anti-spam fighting, thank you)


      francais español polski deutsch


    In Poland, You will have a slap-up meal!
    There are enormously good things to eat in Poland.
    Mazuria Ecolodges will select for you best food, produced in the vicinity and biological. For the pleasure of your papillae, you will be able to taste traditional dishes as well as new recipes invented especially for you.
    You will discover all that in preview in this category.
    All your ideas will be also the welcomes.

    Translations suggestions

      francais español polski deutsch


    You have found mistranslations or you wish to improve the translation in your language, do not hesitate, add a comment in this article by specifying the old one and the new text.
    Thank you for your assistance for the relevance of this site.

    General suggestions about the project

      francais español polski deutsch


    You have an idea, a suggestion, a particular wish concerning the project in general, add a comment in this post!

    The future customer is the king!

    Canvassing land : 105 Ha, Harsz lake, Harsz


    The part at the edge of the lake is very well directed, located well.
    We are in liaison with the salesmen.
    See pictures
    See on the map

    Canvassing land : 8,65 Ha, Lepaki lake, Elk


    A peninsula directed very well, 8,65Ha, located well.
    We are in liaison with the salesmen.
    Price : 10 zl/m2
    See pictures
    See on the map

    Canvassing land : 11Ha, Gawlik lake, Wydminy


    A peninsula directed very well, approximately 11Ha, located well.
    We are on standby for more informations. It is difficult to know if the owner wants to really sell.
    See pictures
    See on the map