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    Hunting season for a land!



    Finished the wishes season, places now for the hunting season for a land! If the weather allows it (it left well) we will be in Mazuria from February 9 to february 12 to research the land of our dreams.

    With the program, we will make a brief with the notary before leaving and then we will go round the estate agent’s offices proposing interesting lands, we will stick up ads in the stores and look for by ourself by asking the private individuals.

    We will benefit from it to test competition, to meet the manufacturer of wooden houses Mazurskie Domy and to admire the area by discovering other magic places…

    Of course the great report when we come back!

    Season’s greetings and happy new year 2007!



    picture Artur Tabor

    Damien Sage

    Some interesting books



    Some of our reference books :

    Toits et murs végétaux
    de Nigel Dunnett, Noël Kingsbury, François Lassalle (Préface), Erika Laïs (Traduction)

    Piscines écologiques : De la conception à la réalisation
    de Wolfram Franke, Elisabeth Lansel (Traduction)

    Récupérer les eaux de pluie
    de Brigitte Vu

    La conception bioclimatique : Des maisons économes et confortables en neuf et en réhabilitation
    de Jean-Pierre Oliva, Samuel Courgey

    Cahier de recettes de la marchande de couleurs
    de Misset Am/Jc

    Les Énergies renouvelables
    de Jean-Christian Lhomme

    Ecohouse 2: A Design Guide
    de Sue Roaf, Manuel Fuentes, Stephanie Thomas

    Maisons bio
    de Julien Fouin

    Maisons de bois : Architecture & Décoration d’intérieur
    de Pierre Faveton, Louise Faveton, Christine Besson (Photographies), Philippe Saharoff (Photographies)

    La pratique du compost et des toilettes sèches

    de Eric Sabot et Patrick Baronnet

    Un magazine indispensable :

    La maison ecologique (bimestriel)

    Wooden building : Mazurskie Domy

      francais polski


    Wooden building in Poland : Mazurskie Domy

    A 700W solar cooker

      francais polski


    A 700W solar cooker : EG-Solar

    Polish traditional dishes



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    Green building

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    All the substructures of Mazuria Ecolodges will be built on the principles of green building.
    We will speak in particular about:

    • passive solar heating
    • wooden building
    • green roof
    • woodburning stoves
    • harvesting rain system
    • toilet
    • composting
    • selective waste sorting
    • natural sanitation
    • natural swimming pool
    • solar cooker
    • interior decorations

    We will speak in this category as well of the choice of materials, the dimensioning, the settlement on the site, as administrative authorisations and possible subsidies.
    Slip on your dungarees and take your keyboards!

    Renewable energies calculations : RETScreen

      francais polski


    Renewable energies first calculations : RETScreen

    The express road Via Baltica…



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    Renewable energies

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    Renewable energies will provide quite all the energy necessary to Mazuria Ecolodges. We will use:
    - a wind turbine
    - thermal solar collectors
    - photovoltaic panels
    - wood
    We will speak in this category as well of the choice of the devices, their dimensioning, their settlement on the site, their starting up in production, as administrative authorisations and possible subsidies.
    Lovers of technique, take your keyboards!


    Save the hot water which is cold!



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    Planet attitude, what’s this?

      francais polski español deutsch


    “You should be the change that you want to see in the world” Mahatma Gandhi

    Each day you can without particular effort make small acts which will relieve our planet, beneficial acts for your health and your wallet.

    You will thus find regularly in this category ecological ideas of acts in order to help you and to help our planet.
    You will be able to also add yours to it.