In the resort and in the surroundings it will be possible to practise the following activities:
Bathe in natural swimming pool with filtration by the plants
- External plays for children
- Marked out walks
- Vegetable labyrinth
- Grills and fire
- Internet Access
- Multilingual library
- Parlour games
- Photographs and paintings exhibitions
- Proposals for excursions
- Nature ’s observation
- Presentation of the regional and national richnesses
- Animation “discovered of renewable energies”
- Sensitizing with the gestures of the eco-citizen and energy saving
- Sensitizing with the sustainable development
- Discovered bioclimatic passive construction
- Boomerangs training course
- Kites training course
- Artistic painting training course
- Cooking Training course
And all your suggestions will be the welcomes! (leave a comment in bottom of this page)
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