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    Rospuda valley : new government, new strategy


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    So, where is the land for the project?


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    Canvassing land : 8,65 Ha, Lepaki lake, Elk -4-


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    Canvassing land : 10,7 Ha, Gawlik lake, Wydminy -4-


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    Canvassing new lands in process


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    Canvassing land : 8,65 Ha, Lepaki lake, Elk -3-


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    Canvassing land : 10,7 Ha, Gawlik lake, Wydminy -3-


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    Canvassing land : 105 Ha, Harsz lake, Harsz -3-


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    Hunting season for a land continue!


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    Return from canvassing a land


    We have canvassed the following land :
    - land 2,6 Ha, lake Bialolawki, too small, lake connected with the great lakes, not a wild zone, we will not continue with this land
    - land 10,7 Ha, lake Gawlik, Widminy, already located land, see the details
    - land 105 Ha, lake Harsz, Harsz, already located land, see the details
    - […]

    Canvassing land : 8,65 Ha, Lepaki lake, Elk -2-


    See pictures
    See on the map

    Canvassing land : 10,7 Ha, Gawlik lake, Wydminy -2-


    See pictures
    See on the map