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    • Que pensez-vous du projet Mazuria Ecolodges?What do you think about Mazuria Ecolodges project?

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    Renewable energies

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    Renewable energies will provide quite all the energy necessary to Mazuria Ecolodges. We will use:
    - a wind turbine
    - thermal solar collectors
    - photovoltaic panels
    - wood
    We will speak in this category as well of the choice of the devices, their dimensioning, their settlement on the site, their starting up in production, as administrative authorisations and possible subsidies.
    Lovers of technique, take your keyboards!


    WordPress database error: [Table 'mazuria_ecolodges.wp_comments' doesn't exist]
    SELECT * FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_post_ID = '38' AND comment_approved = '1' ORDER BY comment_date

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