Return from canvassing a land
We have canvassed the following land :
- land 2,6 Ha, lake Bialolawki, too small, lake connected with the great lakes, not a wild zone, we will not continue with this land
- land 10,7 Ha, lake Gawlik, Widminy, already located land, see the details
- land 105 Ha, lake Harsz, Harsz, already located land, see the details
- land 8,65 Ha, lake Lepaki, Elk, already located land, see the details
- land 2,61 Ha, lake Babka, Kruklanki, too small and not south aspect
- land 9,49 Ha, lake Kisajno, Gizycko, not south aspect , on the great summer polluted lakes
- land 1,5 Ha, lake kisajno, Pozedrze, too small and building is impossible (mood and water)
- land 8 Ha, lake Glebokie, Faszcze, well south aspect but the shore is west aspect, already all authorizations for turism activity, a public lane on the middle of the land, big road not far from the land, not wild zone, with of course exorbitant price (15zl/m2, arround 4 euros/m2), we will keep it
- land 5,2 Ha, lake garbas, Stare Juchy, not south aspect
- land 5,6 Ha, lake Haleckie, Elk, not south aspect
- land 9,9 Ha, lake Mleczowka, Stomack Wielki, not south aspect
We always seek a land with these characteristics:
- from 5 to 10 hectares
- a close access by an asphalt road
- a direct access to a lake offering an interesting navigability at least with canoe
- a shore directed in the south
- with or without services (electricity, water, sanitation)
- with existing or possible authorizations of building in short terms
- if possible undulating and lightly wooded
- a clean lake without risk of pollution thereafter
- a land with a ground not polluted and having received a minimum of chimical fertilisers
- located in a zone delimited by the following villages: Pisz, Orzysz, Gizycko, Wegorzewo, Olecko, Ełk, Grajewo, Pisz
- for example at the edge of the following lakes: J.Rydzowka, J. Stregiel, J Pozezdrze, J Wilkus, J Harsz, J Goldopiwo, J Kruklin, J Dejguny, J Dobskie, J Wydminskie, J Gawlik, J Tajty, J Dejguny, J Buwelno, J Lazno, J Szostak, J Jedzelewo, J Lasniady, J Lazno, J Dworackie, J Kukowino, J Krasztyn, J Lipinskie, J Lepaki (nonexhaustive list)
- at a price reflecting the true market and the real value of the land.
A lot of speculation on the lands of this region, owners are expecting rich donkeys from west…will they come?
See our report of our meeting with Mazurskie Domy, wooden home firm.
We have also to pay attention to the building constraints of the region.
Very hard week-end with small results, we will read one more time the bottom of the web site…
Posted : February 15th, 2007 under Project news, Lands, Green building.
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