Archiv March, 2007
Rospuda valley : stand by
Es tut mir leid, aber diesen Text gibt es nicht auf Deutsch
Verfasst am : March 29th, 2007 under Aktuell projekt, Planet attitude.
Kommentare : none
We will try the soap nuts!
Es tut mir leid, aber diesen Text gibt es nicht auf Deutsch
Verfasst am : March 22nd, 2007 under - Natürliche Abwasseraufbereitung, Planet attitude.
Kommentare : none
Revulutionary wind turbines
An article read in a magazine in the doctor’s office and the good luck has worked for our project : lighter-than-air tethered wind turbine that rotates about a horizontal axis in response to wind, generating electrical energy at the height of 1000-foot. Their name : MARS (Magenn Air Rotor System)
The company is MAGENN .
See below […]
Verfasst am : March 16th, 2007 under Erneuerbare Energien, - Windenergie.
Kommentare : none
New adresses
Our contacts in Mazuria gave us the name of a new architect specialized in traditional regional building :
Piotr Olszak
and a new wood building builder too :
We will contact them soon!
Verfasst am : March 6th, 2007 under Ökobau, - Holzbau.
Kommentare : none