The materials that you should not compost
All our wastes can’t be composted, some because of difficulty or problem, others because impossible or dangerous :
This materials are difficult to compost or problematic:
- The thick leaves or tannin-rich: (composting possible, but it must be crushed and composting is long)
- Oak,
- Chestnut,
- Wood,
- Tree,
- Walnut,
- Leaved shrubs persistent
- Conifer needles, sizes cedar or cypress (their decomposition is slow and produces a toxic acid compost for crops)
- The sizes of old branches (they contain too much carbon and decomposes very slowly, composting is possible but separately)
The impossible to compost materials (as non-biodegradable)
- The glass
- Ceramics
- The metal
- The plastic
- The synthetic fibers
- Chemicals
- Non-textile fiber derived from plant or animal matter tinted or colored with natural products
- All materials that may contain products above (dust of the house, treated plants …)
Hazardous materials to compost: (disease can be neutralized by the heat of the compost heap, but it is preferable to burn it)
- Ill plants
- Ill fruits
- Ill vegetables
Good composting!
Publicado : September 14th, 2007 under - Fabricación compost.
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