Archiv September, 2007
The materials to compost
Compost is a story of good proportion of carbonaceous materials and nitrogen. The best for micro-organisms actors of the compost (they produce proteins from nitrogen and minerals and find their energy from sugars from the carbonaceous material in decay) is to have 30 to 40 times more carbon than nitrogen
The compost materials rich in […]
Verfasst am : September 21st, 2007 under - Kompostierung.
Kommentare : none
The materials that you should not compost
All our wastes can’t be composted, some because of difficulty or problem, others because impossible or dangerous :
This materials are difficult to compost or problematic:
The thick leaves or tannin-rich: (composting possible, but it must be crushed and composting is long)
Leaved shrubs persistent
Conifer needles, sizes cedar or cypress (their decomposition is slow and produces a […]
Verfasst am : September 14th, 2007 under - Kompostierung.
Kommentare : none
Rospuda valley : official stop of the highway construction
Es tut mir leid, aber diesen Text gibt es nicht auf Deutsch
Verfasst am : September 6th, 2007 under Planet attitude.
Kommentare : none